91% of the ingredients are water. Of course, it is fragrance-free, coloring-free, and preservative-free. For the thickener, the ophthalmologist uses a mucous membrane protective solution that keeps the eyeballs on during eye surgery, giving consideration to the gentleness to the skin.
Instead of melting the protein (old skin) or forcibly scrubbing it off, Cure reacts with the protein to make it appear white and come off.
Cure should last approximately 3 to 4 months if used facially.
Most of the cosmetics produced at the factory are using purified water which is purified from the factory water (tap water), but Cure uses active hydrogen water as purified water because we keep the concern to water which accounts for 90% of the ingredients.
The most traditional moisturizing ingredient with excellent hygroscopicity. It is said to be extremely safe and is widely used in general.
The product name is Carbo-mer, and it is a liquid that doctors put on the eyeballs during eye surgery. Cure uses highly safe products for thickening ingredients. Since it is called a polymer, it is often misunderstood as a film that is applied, shined, or coated like a car polymer, but it is actually a thickening component (thickening component) and not a coating agent.
It is used as an ingredient that reacts with dead skin cells and dirt. We will refrain from disclosing the compounding ratio together with the cross polymer as a corporate secret. It is often used in hair conditioners and treatments.
It is an ingredient that is said to have moisturizing and whitening effects and to give tension to the skin.
Extracted from ginkgo leaves. It is an ingredient that is expected to have water retention, moisturizing, stain and freckle prevention effects.
It has excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and is expected to be effective against skin problems such as rough skin and acne.
Colorless and odorless liquid moisturizing ingredient. It is widely used for moisturizing purposes because it has a refreshing feel compared to glycerin.
It is an ingredient naturally found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and alcoholic beverages. In the case of this product, it is used as a solvent component (for the purpose of mixing) of stearyltrimonium promid.
Start with clean, dry skin. For facial use, apply a quarter-sized amount of product onto the skin. Gently massage the gel onto your skin for one minute, or until white beads begin to form. No need for harsh scrubbing - let our gentle exfoliator do the work for you. Continue to massage skin for 30 seconds. Rinse well with water and follow with your favorite moisturizer.
Do not use on areas with an abnormality such as a wound, swelling, eczema or rash. Please refrain from using around the eyes and rinse thoroughly after use. Be careful not to massage too much, and discontinue use if it does not suit your skin.
300 million years ago the Himalayas were the ocean. Now, the ocean of 300 million years ago remains as mineral crystals. For those who are not good at swimming even if they know that the sea is good for their health, you can easily enjoy a 100% natural mineral bath at home.